LSCP Arrangements, Expenditure, and Subgroups

Hammersmith and Fulham’s arrangements have been designed to capitalise on the pre-existing engagement of a range of partner agencies discharging the above responsibilities as members of the Tri-borough Local Safeguarding Children Partnership. The arrangements reflect the legislative requirements, particularly the statutory leadership roles of the three safeguarding partners – local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and police.

Working together to safeguard children (read more) names the lead representatives from each of the three safeguarding partners as “the local authority chief executive, the accountable officer of a clinical commissioning group, and a chief officer of police”. For Hammersmith and Fulham, the lead representatives are:

  • Chief Executive, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham
  • Accountable Officer, North West London ICS
  • BCU Commander, Central West Basic Command Unit, Met. Police

Income and Expenditure breakdown:

LSCP Funding 2023/2024
From Council’s General Fund £43,326
DFE Grant funding £47,300
From Council’s Public Health Fund £39,100
From Partner Contributions – NHS £21,420
From Partner Contributions – MOPAC £5,000
HM Prison and Probation Service £1,573
Total Amount:  £157,719
LSCP Required Staffing & Costs
1.0FTE Business Manager, £67,322
0.5FTE Business Support Officer, £27,117
0.6FTE Multi-Agency Training Officer* £36,312
*this role is fulfilled by a shared arrangement with other local authorities.
Independent Scrutineer £22,575
Irish Cultural Centre £2,040
Supplies and Services £1,555
Development of H&F LSCP Website £798
Total Amount: £158,517


Case Review Group

Hammersmith and Fulham LSCP Case Review Subgroup (CRS) is accountable to safeguarding partners of Hammersmith and Fulham Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP). Its primary purpose is to drive improvements to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children across the Partnership.

Case Review Group TOR

Quality, Performance, & Challenge Subgroup

Hammersmith and Fulham LSCP Quality, Performance and Challenge Subgroup is accountable to safeguarding partners of Hammersmith and Fulham Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP). Its primary purpose is to drive improvements to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children across the Partnership. It will serve to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of local safeguarding arrangements and to identify areas of practice improvement through the LSCP’s Learning & Development Advisory group.


Learning & Development Subgroup

To support the aim and implementation of the Hammersmith and Fulham LSCP Arrangements by overseeing, supporting and monitoring multi agency partners, when delivering the Learning and Development (L&D) activities. To be assured that member organisations have cascaded and developed learning and training to support a ‘Think Family’ approach to safeguarding learning.  The subgroup is responsible for assisting with the commissioning of training on behalf of the H&F LSCP to deliver L&D priorities. The subgroup will recommend any relevant training and will also collate recurring themes and report them to the LSCP.

LD subgroup TOR FINAL