Income and Expenditure breakdown:

LSCP Funding 2023/2024
From Council’s General Fund £43,326
DFE Grant funding £47,300
From Council’s Public Health Fund £39,100
From Partner Contributions – NHS £21,420
From Partner Contributions – MOPAC £5,000
HM Prison and Probation Service £1,573
Total Amount:  £157,719
LSCP Required Staffing & Costs
1.0FTE Business Manager, £67,322
0.5FTE Business Support Officer, £27,117
0.6FTE Multi-Agency Training Officer* £36,312
*this role is fulfilled by a shared arrangement with other local authorities.
Independent Scrutineer £22,575
Irish Cultural Centre £2,040
Supplies and Services £1,555
Development of H&F LSCP Website £798
Total Amount: £158,517