LSCP Training
Hammersmith and Fulham LSCP have a long established relationship with our bi-borough colleagues in Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster.
We have an agreement to share our learning and development resources with them and this is not going to change currently. This means that our partners in different organisations in Hammersmith & Fulham can still access all the training opportunities available here: LSCP safeguarding children training
External e-Learning
Keeping them safe: Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation (free course)
This abuse can happen to any child, anywhere. Knowing what to look for is an important way you can help to protect children. Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation (Pace) and Virtual College have teamed up to provide this short (20 to 30 minutes) online course designed for parents and carers, but helpful for practitioners also to give basic awareness. This free course is text and image based with no narration, a transcript of the course will be available to download once you have registered.
Female Genital Mutilation: Recognising and Preventing FGM (free course)
This is a free workshop developed by the Home Office and the Virtual College. Throughout this course, you will follow a young girl named Hope as she encounters the key issues relating to FGM and you will see how they affect her throughout her life. The training will help a range of professionals to identify and assist girls who are at risk of FGM. This course is useful for anyone who is interesting in gaining an overview of FGM, particularly frontline staff in healthcare, police and children’s social care.
Main LSCP Training Workshops
Multi-Agency Safeguarding and Child Protection Workshop (Level 3) (Full Day)
Book the Multi-agency Safeguarding and Child Protection workshop full day on Eventbrite
Please note this workshop will cost £80 to private and profit making services. It is free to statutory and voluntary sector agencies.
The workshop includes a range of scenarios designed to explore the various risks children and young people face in our communities. There is more in depth knowledge around legislation and the child protection process is explored. The thresholds of intervention (early help, child in need and child protection) are examined and the referral process is outlined.
This workshop is suitable for those practitioners who work directly with children or parents. Those who attend this workshop should have a basic understanding of safeguarding children and what to look out for but they do not have to have attended with the LSCP.
Learning Outcomes:
- Have up to date information about safeguarding children including how to make a referral and an understanding of the thresholds in Child in Need and Child Protection.
- Have knowledge of the lessons from local and national serious case reviews
- Know what is required as members of Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups
- Have explored the barriers to communicating and sharing information both within and outside your organisations and considered what you can personally do to improve the situation
Safer Recruitment Workshop
Book the Safer Recruitment Workshop (online) via Eventbrite.
Book the Safer Recruitment Workshop (in person) via Eventbrite.
Instructions for how to join using Microsoft Teams will be sent to delegates who secure a place.
This full-day workshop (delivered in x4 90 min sessions) is accredited by the Lucy Faithfull foundation and is suitable for managers and HR staff, including those who are involved in recruiting. The workshop provides a comprehensive approach to recruiting which aims to reduce the risk of unsuitable people gaining access to children through employment or voluntary work. (please note this workshop is aimed at staff working in education sector but the general principles are applicable to any section of the children’s workforce).
The workshop highlights a model of sex-offender’s behaviour which is then applied to the recruitment process to show how organisations can work towards preventing offenders from working in their setting. This workshop also explores how organisations can create an ongoing culture of vigilance and support staff to ensure this is organisation-wide.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, delegates will:
- Have an awareness of the need for safer recruitment
- Be aware of the means by which unsuitable people can gain access to children and vulnerable people
- Be aware of the means by which safer recruitment can be achieved
- Be aware of the processes for handling allegations against staff in order that staff have the confidence to identify those who may pose a risk to children and vulnerable people, and so that staff will know what to do if/when they have to deal with these issues.
Introduction to the LADO process (Online)
Book a place at the Introduction to the LADO process via Eventbrite.
Instructions for how to join using Microsoft Teams will be sent to delegates who secure a place.
This 2-hour workshop, delivered by the Local Authority Designated Officers (for LBHF, RBKC and WCC) provides an introduction to the process by which allegations against professionals and volunteers are managed.
Delegates will be guided through when they should consult and/or refer to the LADO services, and what the next steps in the process are. Delegates will also made aware of what their roles and responsibilities are.
The workshop It is suitable for managers, deputy managers, governors and trustees.
This workshop touches on some areas from the Safer Recruitment workshop but it is not a replacement for that workshop.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop, delegates will:
- Understand the legal framework for safeguarding in a professional context and the role of the LADO
- Explore how allegations against professionals are managed
- Understand how to make a referral to the LADO and what information needs to be shared and considered.
Understanding Child Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Book a place at the Understanding Child Trafficking and Modern Slavery Workshop via Eventbrite.
This workshop, delivered by the Modern Slavery and Exploitation Coordinator, will explore how child trafficking and modern slavery impacts children and young people. By attending this training participants will have an increased ability to identify and respond to concerns.
The learning outcomes are:
- Understanding the definition of child trafficking and modern slavery
- Looking at the different ways children can be exploited
- Recognising the signs to identify child who are at risk/are being exploited
- Examining how to apply relevant legislation, such as the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the National Referral Mechanism
- Exploring the barriers that prevent children from disclosing exploitation
- Identifying how we can respond to protect children from trafficking and modern slavery
The training will be for three hours, with a break half-way through.
To ensure this training is accessible for everyone, please contact before the course to let her know if you would benefit from any adjustments being made. Additionally, if you have any concerns related to discussing child abuse and exploitation in a learning environment please make contact with Charlotte.
Gangs and Child Exploitation
Book Chlid Exploitation and Gangs on Eventbrite
This full-day workshop delivered by multi-agency practitioners from the Integrated Gangs and Exploitation Unit, local authority and Police is an important area of learning within the wider context of safeguarding children.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the workshop, participants will:
- Have increased knowledge of Child Exploitation, Gang, Knife Crime & Missing episodes.
- To help identify, understand and respond to Children and Young People’s needs & risks.
- Have an understanding of the context and trends of Serious Youth Violence and the Public Health approach to address it.
- Have an understanding of the referral pathways and services available
Learning From Case Reviews
Book Learning From Reviews on Eventbrite
LSCP Workshop which will give practitioners an opportunity to discuss, reflect on and learn from the latest Safeguarding Children Reviews.
These 3 hour sessions will focus on a variety of topics from recent local and national serious case reviews, child safeguarding practice reviews, rapid reviews and learning reviews. Some of the recommendations and key learning will be explored and delegates will be encouraged to discuss the learning that applies to their setting and some changes that they may be able to implement.
These sessions are suitable for all frontline practitioners and managers and, depending on the topic, may be more suited to some settings than others.
Online risk of grooming, harm and abuse: 'The Com' and '764'
Online Learning Session (1 hour briefing)
Online risk of grooming, harm and abuse: ‘The Com’ and ‘764’
The Metropolitan Police are becoming increasingly concerned about a growing online network of people who are encouraging abuse and harm including suicide.
The network is collectively known as ‘The Com’ and comprises groups such as ‘764 and ‘No Lives Matter’. Users have adopted overlapping grievances and motivations, such as Neo-Nazism, Incel ideology, Satanism and Nihilism.
People linked to The Com network have carried out a range of acts, such as hacking, criminal damage and assaults. The most common being child grooming and abuse.
The perpetrators and victims are generally children and young adults and there is often a blurred line between the two.
The Metropolitan Police would like to raise awareness of this risk with safeguarding partners.
Learning Outcomes
- Learn about the ideologies that motivate these groups
- Understand the methods they use to groom and recruit young people
- Recognise the signs and symbols that may indicate a person is being drawn into the network.
To Book:
Click on the link to book session that you can attend:
Introduction to Child Protection Conferences and Risk Assessment: A Systemic Approach for Multi-Agency Practitioners
Introduction to Child Protection Conferences and Risk Assessment:
A Systemic Approach for Multi-Agency Practitioners
When: Wednesday March 26th 10am to 3pm or
Tuesday 10th June 10am to 3pm or
Tuesday 7th October 10am to 3pm
Delivery: in person at Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, W8 7NX
Trainer: Clinicians and managers from RBKC and WCC.
Audience: Practitioners and designated safeguarding leads (DSLs) working with families, especially those who are likely to be attending child protection conferences.
To book:
This workshop delivered by local authority clinicians and managers will introduce the key questions and approaches used locally in child protection conferences and safeguarding children risk assessment and safety planning.
The workshop is aimed towards multi-agency practitioners as well as student social workers.
Learning Outcomes:
- Gain an understanding of our local approach to safety planning
- Gain an understanding of our local approach to Child Protection Conferences
- Learn how to apply a risk assessment tool to a case study (the 3 column model)
- Learn how to describe worries effectively whilst using parent-friendly language
- Learn how to write a safety plan for the child(ren) and family
Pan-London Safeguarding Children Training Workshops
Visit the London Safeguarding Children Partnership website for access to their upcoming Safeguarding Children Training workshops, which are offered free of charge.
The range of workshops is updated throughout the year. Workshop places book up quickly but you can add your name to the waiting list if required.